Digital Service Agreement

Marketing Proposal


Primary Focus Points


Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) has expanded beyond face-to-face conversations and has taken root in online platforms. A good digital presence is indispensable and vital to maximizing word-of-mouth marketing in today's interconnected age. It ensures businesses are easily discoverable and credible when consumers seek more information. This online visibility amplifies positive feedback, reaching vast audiences swiftly. Moreover, the ability to directly engage with audiences online enhances their experience, fostering more positive referrals. Digital platforms also enable real-time measurement of WOMM impact, ensuring strategies can be adapted for optimal results. Furthermore, an integrated digital approach ensures consistent branding across platforms, while the growing trust in online reviews mirrors the trust traditionally placed in personal recommendations.



Action Items


Your website is your digital business card. It serves as your professional digital image and is the anchor for all marketing, reputation management and social media messaging.

Primary re-build points:

  1. Clear Branding: Incorporate a recognizable logo, brand colors, and consistent typography to establish brand identity and make an instant impression.
  2. Compelling Content: High-quality, relevant, and updated content that resonates with your target audience, showcasing the value of your products or services.
  3. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Use clear and persuasive CTAs that guide users toward your desired action, whether that's signing up, making a purchase, or another goal.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Ensure your site is responsive and looks good on all devices, given the increasing amount of mobile web traffic.
  5. User-Friendly Navigation: Intuitive site structure and layout that allow users to quickly find what they're looking for.
  6. Testimonials and Reviews: Showcase real customer feedback to build trust and credibility.
  7. Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality images, infographics, and videos that capture attention and convey your brand's story.
  8. Lead Capture Forms: Design forms to capture leads—whether that's through newsletter sign-ups, contact forms, or gated content.
  9. SEO Optimization: Ensure the website's backend is optimized for search engines to increase organic visibility. This includes meta tags, URL structure, and alt tags for images.
  10. Live Chat/Chatbots: Offer real-time assistance or automated answers to frequently asked questions, improving user experience and potentially boosting conversions.
  11. Social Media Integration: Embed or link to your social media profiles for cross-platform engagement. Also, allow easy sharing of content on social platforms.
  12. Analytics Integration: Incorporate tools like Google Analytics to track and analyze visitor behavior, helping refine marketing strategies over time.
  13. Trust Badges: Display badges like SSL certificates, industry accreditations, or secure payment symbols to instill confidence in users.
  14. Contact Information: Clearly display contact details, possibly in the header or footer, so visitors can easily reach out.
  15. Engaging Blog: A regularly updated blog can position your brand as an industry thought leader and drive organic traffic through search-engine-optimized content.
  16. Clear Value Proposition: Clearly articulate what sets your brand, product, or service apart from competitors, ideally near the top of your homepage.


Off-Site Tactics – Increasing Domain Authority

Link Building Tactics

  1. Email Outreach: In a traditional email outreach approach, we connect with people who produce content similar to yours. That makes sense, but it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get a link. We’ve found that the main reason people link to each other is that they know those people and trust them.
  2. Data Journalism: is the best type of link building you can do. It involves finding two seemingly disparate data-sets and connecting them together to make a story about it. For example, combining your product (Example: Backpack or duffel bag) with the reviews of an airlines carry on storage space limitations. Combing 2 topics into a journalistic authority writing encapsulating multi-directional interest.
  3. Reasonable DoFollow Back-Links: Put yourself into the shoes of the linking site and think, “why might someone want to link to this?” With this in mind, it will be far easier to make the link request. Provide the information and value in advance to the site we are requesting a link.
  4. Press Releases with DoFollow Links
  5. Bing - Bing for business
  6. Bing Search Console
  7. Set Up GMB (Google Maps)
  8. LinkedIn Business Page
  9. LinkedIn Showcase pages
  10. Google Site Setup
  11. Google Analytics Setup and Connection
  12. Google Search Console Setup and Connection
  13. Social Media Signals

Voice Search – Business Registration and Supporting Citations

  1. Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing.: Google My Business powers all local business results in Google Assistant (Voice Search).
  2. Claim and optimize your Apple Maps business listing: On Apple Siri, local business search results are powered by Apple Maps Connect - (Voice Search)
  3. Claim and optimize your Bing Places business listing: Bing Places powers local search results for Microsoft Cortana - (Voice Search)
  4. Claim and optimize your Yelp business listing: Amazon Alexa gets local search results from Yelp. Yelp also provides photos and reviews for Apple Maps and Bing Places. - (Voice Search)

Competitor Analysis – Domain Authority

  1. Identify key competitors: Identify key competitors and their ranks. This is done by combining both competitors found by key word search as well as target competitors set by the client.
  2. Analyze the key phrases: Analyze the key phrases and words they are using. Using keyword suggestion tools such as – KeySearch, Moz Keyword Explorer, or Google Keyword Planner can help you find keywords that your competition is using as well as ones you can use yourself.

On-Site Tactics

Onsite SEO MUST be strong before offsite SEO can be started. This is due to the linking concepts and strategies that happen during Off-Site SEO

  1. Unique content: This is a standard, and an SEO requirement. SEO enriched unique content that consistently alerts search engines the site is alive and actively maintained.
  2. Website Speed: Website Speed for both desktop and mobile are a new and VERY important factor in the Google Algorithm.
  3. Content Addition: Unique Post are important however recycling a post is just as powerful. Google Algorithms considers the maintenance of the site. Posting new content is important however so is updating previews post.
  4. URL Structure: Currently over 90% of the URL’s are not SEO friendly
  5. Alt Tags - Image Structure: All images must have a naming convention and alt description
  6. Image Optimization: Optimize all images to find the balance between compression and quality. Additionally, making sure not load the “full” image when a reduced size image will suffice.
  7. H-tag structure (Use Structured Data): Properly formatted content with the correct labeling
  8. Google Schema Mark-up (Use Structured Data): Following the proper content labeling using
  9. Meta Descriptions: Using the proper word count, keyword rich on each page and product. Ensure that they are not repeated.
  10. Meta Titles: Properly formatted titles per page and per product to ensure both bot and human readability. Ensure that they are not repeated. Embed Long Tail Keywords In-Title Tags
  11. SSL: Ensure properly applied SSL for HTTPS
  12. Mobile Optimization: Ensure all content and layouts is responsive and optimized for mobile
  13. Broken links: Find and fix all broken and non-used links inside the website. This can include hidden links and links that have had a changed structure. Keeping your sitemap clean.
  14. Sitemap And Submission: Creating a well structured sitemap that is keep up-to-date and consistently submitted via webmaster tools to Google and other search engines.
  15. Google RankBrain: Google recently announced that RankBrain is Google’s third most important ranking signal. And it’s becoming more important every day.
  16. Share-ability: Optimize Your Content to Maximize “Shareability”
  17. Publish Content - Proper Formatting and Length: Publish Content With At Least 1,800 Words (*In fact, our study of 1 million Google search results found that the average word count of a first page Google results was 1,890 words.)
  18. Anchor Text: Ensure proper anchor text for all links in posts.
  19. Navigation: Keyword-rich anchors in site navigation.

GEO-Sales Marketing Leads Program (GSML):

Our specialized program is designed to jump-start and enhance Word-Of-Mouth Marketing with specific and DIRECT and HYPER-TARGETING marking for lead generation.

Leads on Demand!

With GSML you can highlight a specific region, neighborhood, street, or even a specific home on a Google map. We will then find data on all the individuals that live there. Once you have the data, you can add the prospect into your leads system and start to nurture that lead into a sale.

Target a House or Neighborhood! For each house you will receive:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Numbers
  • Mortgage Info
  • Home Value
  • Credit Score Range
  • Income Level
  • Marital Status
  • Length of Residence
  • Home Owner or Renter
  • Home Value
  • House Sq Ft

Based in each houses information you can visually mark houses in our graphical map and add key notes to a household to reference later. It’s the ULTIMATE door knocking tool.

Ultimate Door Knocking and Brand Awareness Strategy.

Once you have collected the desired information per house/neighborhood, you can use an or all our outreach tools to initiate contact and start brand and service awareness!

Outreach Tools: 

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Ringless Voice Mail
  • Direct Mail
  • SMS – Text Messaging








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Signed by Robert Gartside
Signed On: November 9, 2023

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Document name: Digital Service Agreement
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November 9, 2023 9:20 am EDTDigital Service Agreement Uploaded by Robert Gartside - IP